35 days to go~~weeeeeeeeeeeee~~
nasib baiklah abg n kak long ade balik cuti CNY..ape taknya..if not,mati kutula aku diwatnya..b0ring~ so,disebabkan ade baby (Hanan) takdela boring sgt kan..
then, the 'people' comes..
mira duduk mane after married??
they all confused..
yes..i'm staying wif my mother in-law..
s0 what??
they really cannot accept that..
advising me..scolding me..n 'praising' me..thats for pak itam oni ok!
"kita sebagai orang tua..restui jela perkahwinan ni.." he said.
i'm okay wif that statement :) release for a while...yeah..juz for a little little whiLe..cos..
it never stop...it never ending...yup..until now..so on..so on and..so on they talk bout it :(
s00 rimas wehh!!
Tuhan!! Berkatilah perkahwinan ini... Berikanlah yang terbaik buat kami... Amin.