Thursday, April 4, 2013


today is Thursday...irfan not reach 11mth yet but he is capable to do many things now . ... mama is so glad with him~

-he can walk . . slowly . .step by step...fall n up again ...repeatly...until he got his enthusiastic to do this new things!

-he can applause . . if u're happy then clap ur hand..clap clap!!

-his trademark ... 1 Malaysia!! haha

-his weight is 10kg now!!just check it at clinic . .

-he got 6 milk teeth . . very like to bite everyone who touch or not him . .

-he tried to say . . tatatata..dadada..abbahh.. not abah but ayah ok dear~

-he tried to copy us . . how we sing n dance . . how we do something . .

-he can wave his hand .. to say bye2 . .

-he can follow our simple instructions . . .


 " Oh my boy is growing faster than i think!! "
clap clap!!

1 Malaysia!!

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